Dear Homefront,
Well, transfer results are in. Elder Huntzinger is getting transferred to California (he's done and going home), and Elder Starks is getting transferred to Hampton down by Newport News. I am staying in Hopewell. It looks like I might just stay here until I finish my mission in July.
I don't know a whole lot about my new companions. I'm getting Elders Joyner and Stagg. Elder Joyner was in my MTC district so I know him a little bit, but I don't believe I've even met Elder Stagg. Guess we'll see how this next transfer goes.
This week was a crazy one here in the VRM. We've started teaching --- who is the girlfriend of one of our less active members. A couple weeks ago, she just showed up at church on her own because she wanted to learn more about the Church. She has been absolutely soaking up everything we have taught her and has been loving it. We feel confident that she will soon enter the waters of baptism. She is truly one of those "golden" investigators that you always hear about.
We've also been kinda running ragged because the work is really beginning to pick up and Elder Huntzinger has been saying some of his farewells and wanting to spend some time with some of his favorite families.
I am just so happy right now. The work is really starting to pick up here and I'm so happy to see an area I love doing so well. This next week is going to be hectic as well. Elders Huntzinger and Starks saying their farewells and packing up; Elder Huntzinger leaving Tuesday and Elder Starks Thursday at Transfers. Then I get the privilege of bringing two new Elders up to speed on the area.
It's hard to believe that I have so little time left. Only 12 weeks left now. That means only 12 more emails to the Homefront before I arrive there myself. It truly is the "final countdown."
I love you all. Keep hope alive.
With much love,
-Elder John Y. Roberts