Monday, April 9, 2012


9 April 2012

Dear Homefront,

I heard about that Naval Jet. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems to be one of the tender mercies of the Lord that nobody was killed. We don't have any planes that go in and out of Ft. Lee. Though we do have an artillery range and a drop zone for the airborne soldiers and helicopter training.

I really don't have too much to report this week. We spent a lot of time inside because Elder Johnson's been feeling sick most of the week. But our ward did have a fun Easter Social. Candy for the kids, BBQ for all, and an egg toss for the daring. I was in a suit so I didn't participate in that.

The Church put out a new push for the Easter weekend. Do you remember the vignettes that were released around Christmas time about the life of the Savior as written in the scriptures? They released another set about the atonement, death, and resurrection. They are really powerful. They can be found through links on and as well as on facebook and youtube. The Church expected over 15 million hits just last weekend alone. I would highly suggest viewing them, and then sharing them. They are amazing.

That's really all I have. I hope everyone is staying safe and happy.
With much love,
-Elder John Y. Roberts.

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